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Found 294 results for the keyword safety. Time 0.010 seconds.

Safety products SL84 - System solutions for mobile machines commerci

SL84 is a general purpose controller intended for typical machine safety functions, for example prevention of unexpectedmovement or safety related stop-function. The unit is functional safety certified * up to performanc - Details - Similar

Safety Products SC52 - System solutions for mobile machines commerci

SC52 offers a flexible solution for software-based safety function implementation. Together with the SC52 controller, Epec offers a set of pre-certified PLCopen application libraries in order to reduce customer's safety - Details - Similar

Safety parameters - Squarell Technology

Squarell offers an extended range of safety parameters to improve the safety of your fleet and give you more knowledge about how your vehicles are used. - Details - Similar

Ixxat Safe | Industrial Safety | Ixxat

Industrial safety products and services integrated for a faster and easier safety implementation - either module based or with highly flexible protocol stacks. - Details - Similar

Ixxat Safe | Functional Safety | Ixxat

Industrielle Safety-Produkte und Dienstleistungen - f?r die schnelle und einfache Safety-Implementierung - entweder modulbasiert oder mit hochflexiblen Protokoll-Stacks. - Details - Similar

Safety products SL84 - System solutions for mobile machines commerci

SL84 is a general purpose controller intended for typical machine safety functions, for example prevention of unexpectedmovement or safety related stop-function. The unit is functional safety certified * up to performanc - Details - Similar

Drivers Behavior & Safety

In an industry where human error is accountable for over 80% of accidents, enhancing vehicle and driver safety holds paramount significance. Through your telematics services, your partners gain valuable insights into dri - Details - Similar

Safety-Entwicklungs- und Beratungsdienstleistungen | IEC 61508 | Ix

Safety-Entwicklungs- und Beratungsleistungen von Ixxat. Wir entwickeln f?r Sie sicherheitsrelevante Soft- und Hardwarel?sungen nach IEC 61508. - Details - Similar

1939 Stack - J1939 Safety Extension

Die J1939 Safety Extension bietet eine API zum Senden und Empfangen von J1939 Data Groups. - Details - Similar

CAN in Automation (CiA): IG06 SIG01 Functional safety

Development and maintenance of CAN-based functional safety protocols including layer management. This includes, in particular, the CANopen Safety protocol as specified in EN 50325-5. - Details - Similar

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