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Found 64 results for any of the keywords cia technology day. Time 0.009 seconds.
Monitor, Record, Analyze, and Simulate J1939 Data TrafficSAE J1939 Starter Kit - Monitor, Record, Analyze, and Simulate SAE J1939 Data Traffic
PiCAN2 - Duo CAN-Bus HAT for Raspberry Pi 2/3This PiCAN2 DUO board provides two CAN-Bus interfaces for the Raspberry Pi 2/3. It uses the Microchip MCP2515 CAN controller with MCP2551 CAN transceiver.
No TitleThe international CAN Conference acts as an unrivaled platform for presenting the latest CAN, CAN FD, CAN XL developments. Experts from all over the world and from most diversified application areas have met for years at
Teensy 4.0 CAN FD Board with 240x240 IPS LCD and uSDTeensy 4.0 board with CAN FD and a 1.54 240x240 wide-angle IPS TFT LCD display with a microSD holder for Embedded System Development.
SAE J1939 ECU Programming with Arduino Uno and Mega 2560This book, written by a leading expert in CAN technologies, is the perfect guide to implementing an SAE J1939 protocol stack for embedded systems.
CAN FD HAT with SAE J2716 SENT for Raspberry PiThis PiCAN FD board comes with SAE J2716 SENT, Classical CAN, and CAN FD Interface provided by the Microchip MCP2518FD IC.
CAN FD HAT with LIN Bus and SMPS for Raspberry PiThis PiCAN FD board has a LIN Bus interface. The MCP2518FD IC provides classic CAN and CAN FD, while a dsPIC33 microcontroller provides the LIN Bus connection.
CAN Bus FD HAT with Real-Time Clock for Raspberry PiPiCAN CAN Bus FD Board with Real-Time Clock For Raspberry Pi for Embedded CAN Bus Programming under the Linux Operating System.
LIN-Bus Slave RGB LED Breakout Board for Embedded SystemsThe breakout board is controlled via a LIN-Bus connection, and it is ideal for use as a LIN Bus slave to test your LIN master software.
Teensy 3.2 CAN Bus And LIN Bus Breakout BoardThis is a CAN Bus breakout board for use with the Teensy. It has an onboard 5 VDC regulator with reverse voltage protection and a CAN Bus transceiver.
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